Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Breastmilk vs Pediasure Complete

Today, I still feed my baby with breastmilk. In fact, I still have a lot of breastmilk. I always wonder why I am deserve to have so much milk. Until today, Alanis still fully breast milk feeding.

I brought Alanis for 1 year old checkup and I told the doctor that I planned to stop breastfeeding soon. Doctor recommended that to give her Pediasure Complete as she is so small. She needs extra calory and protein to boost her height. Hopefully after she drink Pediasure, her height can increast a lot.

On the first day trying Pediasure, she drink 2.5 oz from drinking cup. But she refuse to continue drinking it. I thought I have a smooth transition... hehe... no... not that easy as I thought. So now, I am mixing breast milk with the formula in 80 to 20 rules. Means, 1.5 oz of formula with 4 oz of breastmilk. She is accepting well now.

And I found out a new things. Now, she can drink milk by feeding her with spoon. She can finish the 6 oz of milk in 10 mins time. Last time, we always have difficult time to feed her milk as she only drink milk when she is sleeping mode. Today, I realise that she is ok with milk but she doesnt like milk bottle. So now, I no longer has any stress to feed her milk whenever she sleep....

Good news to me right?

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