Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Alanis @ 14 months

She is getting prettier and prettier as she is more lady look now. She has drop her weight from 8.2 kg to 7.8 kg due to diarrohea and vomitting. But she is picking up her weight slowly again.
She is so active and been non stop talking in her baby language. But she picked up words very fast. Everytime, when we teach her new words, she can say it immediately after we said it. For example, pen, upstair, apple, three, five.... When she listen to music, she will roll her body and starts to sing along.
Up to now, she still can't walk by herself. When we hold her, she can walk. She likes to climb up staircase and she can climb very fast. She loves to eat any adult foods especially soup that cooked by my MIL. She still on porridge and cereal. She has fruit everyday.
She been starting more on formula - pediasure than my breastmilk. She has breastmilk once a day as I am trying to reduce my breastmilk. She enjoys her pediasure well.